Grantha characters

Juergen Neuss jneuss at ZEDAT.FU-BERLIN.DE
Mon Jul 6 09:01:51 UTC 1998

James Nye wrote:
I trust that members of the Indology list will respect the fact that "A
Primer in Grantha Characters" is both under copyright protection and
also still available for sale, as I mentioned in my message on June 29.
South Asia Books have gone out of their way to stock the publication --
certainly not a title with much turnover -- as a service to Indologists.
They should not be deprived of sales through illegal copying.
James Nye

Dear Subscribers,
I am very sorry to have offered an illegal copy of James Nye's " A
Primer in Grantha Characters" to Jacob Baltuch. I was convinced that the
work was out of print. I meant to help a colleague who has to deal with
Grantha characters, a difficult task if one lacks the necessary
guidance. Of course I had no intention to deprive anyone of his/her
sales or profits. I am happy that the Primer is still available because
now I need not violate any copyright in order to help someone else. I
apologize to James H. Nye for my mistake.

jneuss at

Juergen Neuss

Freie Universitaet Berlin

Institut für Indische Philologie und Kunstgeschichte

Königin-Luise-Str. 34a

14195 Berlin

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