Yiddish translation of Gita (?)

Jacob Baltuch jacob.baltuch at EURONET.BE
Mon Jan 19 22:32:46 UTC 1998

>How much affected and violent in language certain people get when not
>everyone accept fully what they believe to be truth. For me a translation in
>Hebrew would have quite sense, but  not  much in Yidish, a disapearing,
>second language , no doubt a patois and a german dialect, an exclusive
>vehicle for communication only between members of a certain community
>without any universal aim.

Fine, you don't have to read it. Nobody asked you to, or for any advice,
btw. Apparently _some_ guy thought it was worth doing, but you are of
course so much more clever. That would seem to come close to what, in
English and Yiddish, is called to kibitz.

You brought us valuable information indeed. Now we know you don't approve
of the idea. Great. Future translators beware: there's one Winnie who
doesn't think it's such a hot idea. Happy? Maybe you'd like to let know
the world at large now what other language you don't think the giitaa should
be translated in?

>That's why it sounds strange to me and don't come
>with that old paranoid talk of anti-semitism.

Who said that? If there's anyone who looks paranoid to me here it's you.
I'd say you look more like a ignorant and a snob to me.

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