Personal web link collection

Nobumi Iyanaga n-iyanag at PPP.BEKKOAME.OR.JP
Sun Jan 18 08:22:48 UTC 1998


I have added yesterday a new page to my web site: a "Personal collection of
links" page, where I gather about a hundred urls of Internet resources
related to the Buddhist studies or other fields of my interests (each one
with a brief description).  Here is the url:

Here are the main headings of this page:

Search Engines/Miscellanea
Asian Studies in general
Books, Libraries, Bookstores

Most of these urls have been reported and discussed in our electronic
discussion group "Paso-kon Toohoo-kenkyuu" (Personal Computer and Asian
Humanity Studies) in the Japanes commercial BBS
( (GO command: FJAMEA MES 11), by some of the
members of the group or by myself.   In this sense, this page is the result
of collaboration of many members of our group.  I am most grateful for all
goodwill of our members.

There are many urls of Japanese interesting sites that are probably not very
well known in the U.S. or other parts of the world.  Although this page is
"under construction", I hope that it can be useful for some of the members
of this mailing list.  And thank you in advance for any feedback or

Best regards,

Nobumi Iyanaga

P.S.  I posted the same message to Buddha-L list.  I am sorry for those who
received this twice...

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