jogayara in Samavayanga-suttam?

Royce Wiles Royce.Wiles at ANU.EDU.AU
Tue Jan 6 00:13:35 UTC 1998

>In the Ardha-Magadhi dictionary the only source cited for the item
>yogaayaara (= yogaacaara) is Sama 1, which according to my understanding of
>the abbreviations means Samavaayaanga-suttam. In the edition I have (Jaina
>Agama Series 3), however, that term is not listed in the extensive index.
>Am I making some mistake somewhere, or what *is* the story here?  This is
>apparently (if it exists) the only occurence of the term in (at least
>canonical?) Ardha-Magadhi, so I am eager to track it down. Any help much

Hi Jonathan

I don't have the Illustrated Ardha-Magadhi dictionary (1924, 1977) here
with me (which I presume is the dictionary you are citing) but I remember
that for some texts it did use the old Dhanapatisimha editions (referring
to them as editions by "Babu" in the list of abbreviations). If the source
of the word is the 1880 [samvat 1937?] edition of Samavayanga it would be
very unreliable, the Prakrit text in those editions is notoriously bad.
However if the source for the citation is the 1918 (Agamodaya Samiti)
edition [by Anandasagara] that's another matter. There is a very useful but
rare dictionary of the Agamodaya Samiti editions of the texts AND
commentaries published as:

Surat : Sresthi-Devacandalalabhai-Jainapustakoddharakosa, 1954-79. 5 v.

Unfortunately I only have access here to v.1, v.3-5 and of course v.2
contains just the entries needed now - ka to jho - so I can't check for
you. Have you thought of checking Vijayarajendra's Abhidhanarajendrah
1910-25 (7 v.)? The Library at ANU has managed to misplace v.s 3 and 4, and
v. 3 is just the one needed.

The Jain Visva Bharati (Ladnun) edition of the Jain 'canon' (1974-89) is
also well indexed. The first volume of the index -- published separately as
'Agama sabdakosa' in 1980  --- covers all the Anga texts but lists nothing
like jogaayaara.

Although I hesitate to suggest it in case its a wild-goose chase, I have
occasionally been helped by two other sources (admittedly mostly

Jainendra siddhanta-kosa / Jinendra Varni. 1970-73. 4 v.
Jaina-laksanavali : Jaina paribhasika sabda-kosa / Balacandra
Siddhantasastri. 1972-79. 3 v.

Best of luck.


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