-vada / -vadin

L.S.Cousins L.S.Cousins at NESSIE.MCC.AC.UK
Fri Feb 20 10:02:16 UTC 1998

Jonathan silk <silk at WMICH.EDU> writes:

>There is such a list, by SHIZUTANI Masao. While the discussion and
>abstracts of the Indian Buddhist Inscriptions he treats are in Japanese,
>all names are printed in Roman type, are indexed, and provided with Lueders
>numbers.  Take a look!  (From memory: Indo Bukkyo Hibun Mokuroku --- but
>somehow I think that is not quite right. As always, my copy is at home :-(

and  Peter Wyzlic <pwyzlic at PWYZ.RHEIN.DE> writes:

>There is already a Japanese work:
>        Shizutani, Masao: Indo bukkyo himei mokuroku.
>        Kyoto : Heirakuji shoten, 1979
>        (Catalogue of Indian Buddhist inscriptions)
>It is said to contain a comprehensive (but not exhaustive) list
>of inscriptions. It was unavailable in the German interlibrary
>system, so I haven't seen it directly, though. In the late
>eighties I contacted a bookseller in Tokyo who gave me the
>information that it is out of print.
>Perhaps it may serve as a good starting point -- even if one does
>not read Japanese.

Thanks to both of you. I'll take a look at this. I do seem to remember
seeing it reviewed. I'll try and look it up when I am in Oxford next week.
It could be helpful with something I am doing.

Lance Cousins


Email: L.S.Cousins at nessie.mcc.ac.uk

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