creation of human kind

Ashish Chandra achandra at WNMAIL.WNDEV.ATT.COM
Wed Dec 23 15:08:30 UTC 1998

Partha Banerjee wrote :

The theories of evolution have much fewer questions unanswered than the
"theories" of creation do. And unlike creationists, evolutionists do not
pretend that they have all the answers.
The creationist theory on the other hand is only a myth, but pro-creation
philosophers (mostly status quo politicians and the religious right) clothe
it in a quasi-scientific garb.
"Creationists for the most part are fundamentalist Christians (make it
fundamentalists - PB) whose central premise is a literal interpretation of
the Bible (make it Puranas or the Quran - PB) and a belief in its
inerrancy. In adopting a literal interpretation of the Bible, they differ
from nearly all other Christians and Jews (make it other Hindus or Muslims
- PB).  Scientists, many of whom are religious, have no wish to deny
fundamentalists their own beliefs, but the creationists are determined to
impose their views on others. In particular, they are lobbying to have
science classes teach the ideas of: a sudden creation from nothing by God;
a worldwide flood; a young Earth; and the separate ancestry of humans and
apes.[...] And because they depend on supernatural intervention, not
natural law, they are also unscientific. There is no scientific evidence,
or even an appeal from common sense or experience, to suport the
creatinists' claims." [From Tim M. Berra, Evolutoin and the Myth of
Creationism. Stanford University Press, 1990]
Creationists also take advantage of the reluctance of the scientific
community to get into raucous political fights. That's how Christian
Council has become so powerful in USA, a country that has thousands of
extremely intelligent scientists. The same logic could be applied to the
situation in India or say, Pakistan or Iran.


Dear Sri Banerjee,

I suggest that you provide some proof in support of your statements that
Hinduism supports the creation theory or the so-called Hindu right supports
the creation theory. Hinduism (I mean all the religions in Hinduism)
support the belief that there is no creation. There is a projection and
then there is contraction (destruction) and this is a never ending process.
I suggest you might want to read the Nasadiya Sukta of RgVeda. Alternately,
you might read some works of Hindu philosophers (from any of the six
Darshanas) and their ideas about the Jagat (universe). Swami Vivekananda is
one. There are many.

Without having any basis for saying whatever it is you have said, you
demonstrate a desire to drag the Hindu right into anything that is
controversial and, sometimes, abhorrent. Please try and be a little more
focused in your criticism. I have read nearly all your postings and never
have you desisted from criticizing the RSS and BJP whether or not they are
related to the topic or not. I don't think the fact that you spent 15 years
with the RSS holds much water in light of the theme of criticism that you
have chosen to adopt. It does not automatically make you an authority on
what RSS stands for and what it doesn't.


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