The Aryans (again); 19th century discourse.
Robert Zydenbos
zydenbos at BLR.VSNL.NET.IN
Sat Dec 19 20:51:21 UTC 1998
Ashish Chandra wrote:
> It reads draviNam in Devanagiri ( as in N ). I am also asking if anyone can
> point me to a Sanskrit dictionary that mentions Dramida is Tamila in
> Sanskrit.
Böhtlingk and Roth, Sanskrit-Wörterbuch (Delhi reprint 1990, of the
1855-1875 original), vol. 3, col. 797: "N. pr. eines Volkes (und des von
ihm bewohnten Gebietes) an der Ostküste des Dekhan's" (with references
to the Mahaabhaarata, Hariva.m; and;
"Collectivname für 5 Völker: aandhraa.h kar.naa.takaa;s caiva gurjaraa
dravi.daas tathaa / mahaaraa.s.traa iti khyaataa.h pa;ncaite dravi.daa.s
M. Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Delhi, 1984), p. 501:
"N.[...] of a district on the east coast of the Deccan; [...] collect.
N. for 5 peoples, viz. the Andhras, Karnatakas, Gurjaras, Tailangas, and
Maharashtras (cf. draavi.da below)".
V.S. Apte, A Student's Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Delhi, 2976
(repr.)), p. 263.
Dr. Robert J. Zydenbos
Mysore (India)
e-mail zydenbos at
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