The horse argument, part 1

Peter J. Claus pclaus at HAYWIRE.CSUHAYWARD.EDU
Fri Apr 3 13:41:59 UTC 1998

> One of my old Classics teachers said exactly the same thing: "They come to
> the battle on their chariots as if they were riding taxis." His conclusion
> was that Homer knew about chariots but that he had not seen them used in
> battle. The Romans used chariots too, but only for racing. Old instruments
> of war sometimes end up as pure sports articles. Today, we throw spears and
> shoot the bow at the Olympics, but - pace Rambo - both weapons keep a low
> profile in today's warfare.

Ah, and one of my India teachers pointed out how taxis (actually it was
those Official cars with the erect, sheathed thing on the hood) in India
are used like chariots! But that was in the old days (15 yrs ago), when
having a government job MEANT something, and being driven through the
crowded streets, arriving a place, etc. in one of these things
distinguished the passenger. Like a being in charriot.

Peter Claus

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