Non EuroEnglish, sed Indo-english
narayana at HD1.VSNL.NET.IN
Wed Sep 17 01:32:17 UTC 1997
At 05:48 PM 9/16/97 -0700, you wrote:
>On Tue, 16 Sep 1997, S Krishna wrote:
>> 2. More importantly, in Skt, why do we find the alphabet having the "l~"
>> vowel that comes after r~ i.e. the alphabet runs formally as : a A e ee
>> u U r~ r~~ and then "l~" i.e. I don't think it was ever used( or am I
>> wrong here?)Can anybody please tell me more about the history of this
>> vowel?
>It is used in the root klp, from which by come words like kalpa, kalpanA,
>kalpita, etc. I don't think it is used in any other word.
Also, k.lpta, k.lpti and k.lptika according to Apte's Dictionary. Correct
my transliteration if wrong)
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