Too many synonyms?
narayana at HD1.VSNL.NET.IN
Sun Sep 14 15:29:11 UTC 1997
At 10:10 AM 9/14/97 -0400, you wrote:
>> Is this confined to nouns? What is the current thinking concerning one
>> dhAtu (root) representing many actions (e.g., `divu krIda vijigIsha
>> vyavahara dyuti stuti mOda mada swapna kanti gatishu') and one action
>> being represented by many dhAtus in sanskrit.
>Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that Indian lexicography
>assumes that if two words have approximately similar meanings in one context,
>then they are exact synonyms. This is provably false in many living
>For example, in English, `I looked at the painting' and `I saw the
>painting' are not too far off in meaning, `I saw the movie' and `I watched
>the movie' are viturally identical, but `I looked at X' and `I watched X'
>are seldom equivalent. [An amusing game based on such things, for nouns,
>is one I learned from New Scientist: Follow a chain of `synonyms' in
>a standard thesaurus till the last one is an antonym of the first.]
>How far is the seeming polysemy and existence of several synonyms due
>to this assumption, and how far is it part and parcel of Sanskrit?
>[i.e, are there manuals in Sanskrit meant to illustrate the distinctions
>between words of broadly similar meaning?]
First of all let me correct the transliteration of the example I have
given. It is `divu krIDA vijigIshA vyavahAra dyuti stuti mOda mada swapna
kAnti gatishu'.
This is the first dhatu in DivAdi GaNa. The single root `divu' is supposed
to represent 10 dufferent actions that are listed above. krIDa = play,
vijigIshA =
desire to conquer, vyavahara = conduct, dyuti =
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