Study India Program

Mariana Caixeiro naniji at MAIL.TELEPAC.PT
Fri Sep 12 23:11:57 UTC 1997

Dear Members of the List
                        Some time back Kamal Adhikary had asked for
information on Study India Programs. Our University is starting one
in 1998. Here is some information about it which may of interest to
some of you.
                              STUDY INDIA PROGRAMS
                         AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HYDERABAD
                                Beginning in 1998

        0. About the University

             The University of Hyderabad (UofH) in India, located in  the
        historic  capital  city of Andhra Pradesh, is one  of  the  dozen
        premier  universities of post-graduate teaching and  research  in
        the  country, and is easily regarded as one of the best  academic
        institutions  in  South Asia. The  UofH  was  the  first  Central
        University  to be established in 1974 in the culturally and  lin-
        guistically rich southern part of India. Located on a serene  and
        green  campus miles away from the hustle and bustle of  the  city
        life,  and  yet  in an institution ideally  suited  for  pursuing
        serious  learning  programs,  this  relatively  young  University
        outstretches its arm to all those who are looking for an exciting
        study abroad program of a short duration. A detailed brochure can
        be had from the O.S.D., Centre for Distance Education, University
        of  Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500046.

             The advantages of locating a special program of this kind in
        Hyderabad are many - its rich linguistic and cultural  tradition,
        salubrious  climate all the year round, concentration  of  educa-
        tional  institutions (five major Universities and three  institu-
        tions  deemed to be universities), and its connectivity  both  by
        air  and  rail/road with many principal cities of  the  country.

             UofH  has  218-odd faculty of the University,  including  70
        Professors, 75 Readers and 73 Lecturers - with a high publication
        profile  (496  books and 3,757 research papers in   National  and
        International  journals in the last 20 years), and with many  na-
        tional and international awards and honours in different  fields.
        So  far, about 6,000 candidates have been awarded degrees of  the
        University including 384 Ph.D. degrees, 1,561 M.Phil. (=Pre-Ph.D.
        research degree after Master's) degrees and 346 M.Tech.  degrees.
        Besides, it has produced about 4,415 post-graduate students.  The
        present teacher-student ratio is quite favourable: 1:8.

        1. The Focus:  The  STUDY  INDIA  PROGRAM of  the  University  of
        Hyderabad  focuses  on India. It has a special  emphasis  on  the
        HERITAGE, CONTINUITY AND CHANGE in India. The program is  created
        as an extension of STUDY ABROAD program available in many Univer-
        sities  in the world. It is highly inter-disciplinary in  nature,
        offering a  wide  variety  of 20 courses in the following areas:

             3-401: Representing India: Texts, Histories, Theories
             3-402: Indian Writing in English
             3-403: Ethnographic Approaches to Indian Society
             3-504: Indian Cultural Heritage
             3-605: India: Society, Culture & Civilization
             3-606: Indian Archaeology (From Prehistory to Early history)
             3-407: Spiritual Traditions of India
             3-508: State & Civil Societies in Contemporary India
             3-409: Urban India
             3-510: Rural India: Elements of Change
             3-411: Rural Economy in India
             3-412: India: Geographical Entity
             3-513: Indian Classical Dance
             3-514: Cinema India
             3-415: Indian Folk Life Studies
             3-516: Comparative Indian Literature
             3-417: Comparative Indian Languages
             3-518: Intensive Hindi Program
             3-519: Intensive Telugu Program
             3-620: Independent Study Program [*]

        *  Under Independent Study Program, the special focus will be  on

        2. Why join SIP at UofH?

             There  are  many reasons as to why one may do  SIP  at  this
        University  other than the variety or attractive  (and  variable)
        fee structure. These are the distinct advantages:

        * Internationally acclaimed/honored faculty
        * A large number of faculty have research experience abroad
        * Many teachers have been visiting professors abroad
        * SIP has a modular structure - extremely flexible
        * SIP will surely be a value-addition program for its takers
        * SIP at the UofH is quite economical with a flexible tuition fee
          related  to the credits earned and to the  parent  University's
        * A polution-free naturally endowed campus with about 1000 hect.
        * One of the few Universities in India where the Semester  system
          has been followed so rigorously in the last two decades
        * A fully computerized library (the first of its kind in  India)
        * A well-equipped computer centre networked to all schools
        * E-mail/internet facilities (not readily available elsewhere)
        * A heterogeneous campus with already some international students
        * Well-connected campus away from the hustle of city life

        3. Accreditation: The courses being offered as listed here  range
        from   levels  2000 to 6000 equivalents, and accordingly 2  to  6
        credits could be earned by the students attending them from their
        parent  Universities.  It is, however,  possible  that  different
        Universities abroad will recognize different sets of these cours-
        es  and may ask its students to opt for some among them.

        4. Specialized Program: The list of courses as described in  this
        chapter is only indicative of what the University can offer.  But
        if necessary, the University can create specialized programs  and
        packages  of  courses for particular countries  or  participating

             Teaching  will include lectures, tutorials (by doctoral  and
        post-doc  students/Teaching Assistants), discussions,  practicals
        or  hands-on  experience),  seminars,  field-work, take-home  and
        other  assignments,  project  reports, and a  week-long  trip  to
        different  parts  of India (at least, South India).  For  certain
        courses,  audio-video  component and performances  will  also  be
        employed.   Evaluation  here will  include  teacher   evaluation,
        peer   evaluation as well as for feed-back, course-evaluation  to
        be done by students.

             Advanced reading lists to be made available so that partici-
        pating students can come with some preparation. In most cases, an
        orientation  is  expected to be organized  by  the  participating
        Universities  from  abroad. But a week-long  orientation  can  be
        organized by this University, too under a special arrangement.

        5.  Timing: At the moment, the courses are being organized  on  a
        quarter pattern (10 weeks of course-work followed by two weeks of
        field  tour/trips),  beginning three times a year  -  around  the
        second  week of January, June and September every year.  However,
        these could also be offered on a semester pattern of 16 weeks  of
        teaching and two weeks of trips and tours.

        6. Quantum of Options at a given time: The maximum credits possi-
        ble  to  earn  in a given quarter will vary between  12  and  16.
        Depending  on registration and faculty availability  (which  fact
        could   be  checked  easily  through  e-mail  with  the   Program
        Director), at least six courses are to be offered every quarter.

        7. Quantum of Students under SIP:  While  there is  theoretically
        no upper limit of students admitted under SIP, it is not expected
        to be a crowded program. The idea is to take special care of each
        student.  But it is expected that the participating  Universities
        will send at least 5 to 10 students for a particular quarter. For
        a course to be viable, there must at least be 3 to 4 registrants.

        8.  Teaching  medium, methods and evaluation: The medium  of  in-
        struction  will  be English in which  proficiency  is  essential.
        Teaching  will include lectures, tutorials, discussions,  practi-
        cals,  seminars,   field-work, take-home and  other  assignments,
        project  reports, and a week-long trip to places of interest.

        9.  Orientation/Preparatory  Help: Advanced reading lists  to  be
        made available so that  students can come with some preparation.

        10.  Who can apply?: The program is aimed at   overseas  students
        from  all countries provided they meet the general  pre-requisite
        of proficiency in English and special pre-requisites, if any. The
        following could be possible applicants:

        * Universities and their International Studies divisions
        * Study Abroad Program Directors of Universities & Colleges
        * Heads of Academic Programs or Departments of Universities
        * Universities with South Asia/Area Studies program
        * Individual students could also  apply, but  getting  accredita-
          tion will be their own responsibility
        * Higher  Education  Institutes or Ministries of Education
        * NRI groups or associations could also send in  requests
        * Trade or Business delegations or groups (for crash courses)
        * Foreign scholars/technocrats already in India could also apply
        * Individuals who may only wish to audit or attend courses

        11. A Modular Structure: The SIP has been envisaged as a  Modular
        Program with three modules - the first one being introductory and
        panoramic, where either of these courses could be given:

                  Level 2000 ; No.1-200 INDIA TODAY (Credits: 2)
                  Level 3000 ; No.1-300 INDIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE  (Cr: 2)

        All the courses described above could be arranged under both  12-
        week  module (10 weeks of teaching plus 2 weeks of  India-travel)
        [=MODULE 3] or  five- to six-week  MODULE 2 upon request.

        12.  Fee  Structure: Tuition fee payable by a student  will  have
        four components:

        (1) Tuition fee, if any,  payable to the parent University:   [?]
        (2) TUITION payable to UNIVERSITY OF HYDERABAD:       US  $ 2,000
            [or, roughly US $150 to US $160 per credit; however,
            for the students paying higher fee  to their  parent
            University, the UofH tuition will be higher/negotiable]
            * For non-degree participants/For auditing   :    US  $ 1,000
            * For the NRI-groups sponsoring a candidate  :    US  $ 2,000
        (III) International and within India Travel & Visa cost: Variable
        (IV) Boarding & Lodging/Misc./Local transport :[Approx] US $  800

             To summarize, including air-fare, the candidates are expect-
        ed to spend about US $ 4,300 for a SIP quarter.

                       CONTACT (FOR further INFORMATION):
                         Professor UDAYA NARAYANA SINGH
                    Professor of Linguistics and Head, CALTS
                       Director, Study India Program (SIP)
                University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500046  INDIA
                          E-mail: <unssh at>
                     Telephone: Residence (091-040-)3010640
                           Office: 3010500; Extn. 3650
Best Wishes
Department of History
University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad-500 046, Andhra Pradesh
Email : apsss at

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