Charles Wikner WIKNER at nacdh4.nac.ac.za
Tue Sep 2 15:13:47 UTC 1997

Himanshu requested this message to be forwarded from the Sanskrit list.

Charles Wikner.
wikner at nacdh4.nac.ac.zxa

From: pota at adfa.oz.au (Himanshu R. Pota)
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 13:07:52 +1000 (EST)
Subject: ITRANS to SKT

## priyamitraaNi##,
I have written a small program to convert ITRANS encoding to SKT encoding.
## ahaM aaiiTraansaat eskeTii akSharapraNaaliyaam parivartanaaya  eka.m
laghu-yantra-kramam alikham| ##
You can pick it up from: ## tasya praapti sthaanam asti ##


itx2skt.zip (file name).

Please write to me for improvements or if you find it difficult to use the
## unnatikR^ite kaThinataayaa.h vaa sarve kR^ipayaa maam likhatu##

Today I read that new people have difficulty in using Sanskrit with
computers. To them I recommend itranslator1-1. You can pick that also from
the above mentioned ftp site.

##adya ahaM apaTham naviinalokaaH sanskR^itam sangaNitreNa saha prayuktum
kaThinataam anubhavanti| taan ahaM itranslator1-1 yantra-kramasya upayogam
kuru iti vadaami| tat yantra-kramam api upari likhitam sthaane asti|##


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