Urvashi Vaid.

Aditya, the Hindu Skeptic aditya at SMART1.NET
Sat Oct 25 14:27:07 UTC 1997

Anshuman Pandey <apandey at U.WASHINGTON.EDU> has on Wed, 22 Oct 1997 01:53:01
-0700 written as follows:
>You might be unaware of the situation of homosexuals and homosexuality in
>India, but India has one of the largest populations of homosexuals and is
>host to perhaps the largest rampant AIDS epidemic. It is certainly amazing
AIDS is no doubt increasing in India but your contention that India has
largest number of homosexuals is just a conjecture on your part unless you can
provide any basis. In India AIDS is mostly heterosexually propagated.

>that an Indian woman, a lesbian no less!, has worked to assist
>homosexuals, assisted in AIDS education, AIDS prevention, and safer-sex
Regardless of her country of origin, I am not aware of her having done
anything in India for AIDS or lesbianism.  She is an activist in USA only
where AIDS and homosexuality seem to be intertwined.

It is a consequence of initial labeling of AIDS as homosexual problem that is
responsible for the disproportionately large funding for this disease at the
cost of several diseases such as diabetes that kill many more people worldwide

Have a peaceful and prosperous day.
Aditya Mishra
e-mail:a018967t at bc.seflin.org
Thought of the day:
        A conclusion is where you got tired of thinking.

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