zankara & parmenides?

John Brockington SKTJLBS at SRV0.ARTS.ED.AC.UK
Fri Oct 17 09:23:36 UTC 1997

>Did anyone ever write anything on zankarAcArya and parmenides? Thanks.
>(Note: by "and" I mean similarities, parallels, and so on)
Perhaps not directly relevant to zankara but worth consulting as a comparison of
Parmenides with a more nearly contemporary Indian thinker is Mislav Jezic, "Parmenides
and Uddaalaka", Synthesis Philosophica 14.2 (1992) pp. 427-440.

John Brockington

Dr J. L. Brockington
Department of Sanskrit
University of Edinburgh
7 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh   EH8 9LW     U.K.

tel: +31 650 4174
fax: +31 650 6804

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