Samskrit Correspondence Course in USA/Canada

Samskrita Bharati sanskrit-l at HINDUNET.ORG
Wed Oct 15 05:42:49 UTC 1997

                           SAMSKRITA BHARATI

After successfully conducting a series of Samskrit camps, Samskrita
Bharati announces yet another major event - the launching of
Samskrit through Correspondence in United States and Canada !

  Unique features

    * Simple interesting lessons accompanied by AUDIO cassettes.
      Subhashitas, Stories, puzzles, glimpses of Samskrit literature
      along with an innovative method of language learning !

    * No prior knowledge of Samskrit assumed.

    * At the end of the course, you will be able to study Samskrit
      scriptures like Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana etc. all by yourself !

    * Every lesson contains a question paper and every grade has an
      examination. A panel of teachers will correct your answer papers
      and mail it back to you. Certificate awarded to every successful

    * All your doubts/questions on the lessons will be answered by mail.

  Details :

        Medium of instruction   : English
        Number of grades        : Four (Pravesha, Parichaya, Shiksha,
        Duration of each grade  : Six months
        Number of lessons/grade : 12 Books + Audio cassettes
        Mailing of lessons      : October 1st, 1997
                                    Two lessons will be mailed every month
        Fees for each grade     : US $ 60 (Sixty US Dollars only)
                                    includes shipping and handling charges

Currently we are taking registrations for the first grade (Pravesha).
Mailing of lessons will commence from October 1st. Hurry up !
Fill in the registration form and mail your check to following address

        Convener, Samskrit through Correspondence
        Samskrita Bharati
        1044, Lancer Drive
        San Jose, CA  95129
        Phone : (408) 253-6160
        Email:  sanskrit-corr at

Make your check payable to "Samskrita Bharati".

Samskrita Bharati is a registered non-profit organization in India
for promotion of Samskrit worldwide.
Visit us at

xxx-------------------- CUT HERE --------------------------------xxx
                     Application  for PRAVESHA ( I Grade)

 Last Name :                      First Name :
 Mailing Address:

 Phone :                           Email :

 Occupation :                      Education :

 Date :                            Signature :
xxx-------------------  CUT HERE ---------------------------------xxx

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