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Aditya, the Hindu Skeptic aditya at SMART1.NET
Sat Oct 11 13:21:30 UTC 1997

Lars Martin Fosse <l.m.fosse at INTERNET.NO> has on Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:32:11
+0200 written as follows:

>I would very much appreciate information on software to transcribe
>Sanskrit text into English, for corpus-related work. Specifically,
>I am looking for some software to do optical character recognition
>of Sanskrit (an Indo-Aryan language) text, and perform a transcription
>from the Sanskrit orthography into the Roman script (English).

I am not aware of any OCR system for devnagri script but in case anyone knows
of any such program, please post it to the list since I am also interested in
scanning some documents.

At present the best can be done is to scan the documents and images which can
be read manually but not edited.
Have a peaceful and prosperous day.
Aditya Mishra
e-mail:a018967t at
Thought of the day:
        A bachelor enjoys the chase but doesn't eat the game.

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