Looking for hindu temples in USA

Vasudha Narayanan vasu at RELIGION.UFL.EDU
Fri Nov 14 16:49:41 UTC 1997

Diana Eck's impressive CD-ROM ("On Common Ground") has a directory of about
300 Hindu institutions in USA.  This is the most complete list that I know
of and includes temples, ashrams, meditation centers etc.  I recommend you
look at this CE-ROM first.  It's a great resource to have.

You can also find links to 30-35 temple home pages at the following "meta"
NY-Flushing temple:
http://www.indianet.com/ganesh/-- The "temples online" here will connect you
to about 31-32 temples in USA and Canada (one UK)
The "Temples on Net" page
http://rbhatnagar.ececs.uc.edu:8080/temple_info/temple_homes.html. Connects
with 31 temples -- most of them are found in the Ganesha temple page.
Contact me if you want addresses of the newer temples not on these lists.

Vasudha Narayanan
Professor, Department of Religion
University of Florida

At 10:20 AM 11/14/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Dear Members,
>We am looking for a list of all Hindu temples in USA. We are publishing a
>magazine named OM SHANTI which if for free distribution. One of the
>articles relates to all the Hindu Temples in USA. We thank you for the
>help in advance.
>Rahul Arora
>1205 University Avenue,
>Appt#   401,
>Columbia, MO  65201
>mail: c722773 at showme.missouri.edu

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