
Ruth Laila Schmidt r.l.schmidt at easteur-orient.uio.no
Thu May 22 15:06:38 UTC 1997

>To all 19th century specialists!
>Has anyone out there information about Gottlieb William
>Leitner (1840-1899,) and especially about his Oriental Institute in
>Woking, Surrey, which he was head of in the 1880's. It was somehow
>connected with the Punjab University in Lahore. Leitner and his
>Institute is mentioned in several letters we are holding in our
>library. Aurel Stein even stayed there for a short period.
>Any suggestion welcome.
Dear Gabriele Zeller,

I am not a 19th century specialist, but Leitner specialized (among many
other things) on Dardic languages. There is an excellent description of him
as a person and a scholar in John Keay's _The Gilgit Game_ (Oxford U. P.),
and Leitner's _Dardistan in 1866, 1886 and 1893_ has been reprinted in New
Delhi (Manjusri Publishing House, 1978). The two works in tandem should
give you a good impression of his scholarly work.

With best wishes,

Ruth Schmidt (Dardic specialist)
Dept of East European and Oriental Studies
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1030 Blindern
N-0315 Oslo, Norway
Phone: (47) 22 85 55 86
Fax: (47) 22 85 41 40
Email: lailasc at hedda.uio.no

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