yuga, VarNa and colour

Peter D Banos pdb1 at columbia.edu
Mon May 19 14:05:23 UTC 1997

On Mon, 19 May 1997, Jacob Baltuch wrote:

> >Actually the digits of any number that is a multiple of 9 will have a
> >sum of 9 as well.
> Not true: 9 * 11 = 99
> A number that has 9 as the sum of its digits will be a multiple of 9
> but it doesn't necessarily go the other way (as the example above shows).

But the _ultimate_ sum will always be 9. That is, if the sum of the
digits iteslf consists of more than one digit (like 18 in Jacob's
example), add _those_ digits, and repeat the procedure until you're down
to a single digit. That digit will always be 9. 

						-Peter D. Banos
						pdb1 at columbia.edu

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