Name of laghu/guru patterns

W Trimble wtrimble at
Sun May 18 18:56:01 UTC 1997

In order to better memorize 'slokas I, would like to learn the melodies
attached to some of the major metres.  Are there any recordings available?
Thanks in advance.

W Trimble

>An easy source for a long listing of these metrical patterns is an
>appendix in Apte's Sanskrit Dictionary.
>	Madhav Deshpande
>On Mon, 12 May 1997, Ralph Bunker wrote:
>> I have an incomplete list of the names of patterns of laghu/guru syllables
>> in a pada. For example,
>> gajagati (gait of an elephant) is the name given to the pattern GGGLGGGL
>> (where G is Guru and L Laghu) and
>> pramANikA (measure) is the name given to the pattern GLGLGLGL
>> Can somebody tell me where I can find a complete list of such pattern names?
>> English commentary would be helpful.
>> TIA
>> --ralph

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