
Paul Muller mulleror at pilot.msu.edu
Mon May 12 12:45:40 UTC 1997

>>On Sat, 10 May 1997, Catalin Buiu wrote:
>>> 1. Is there any English or French translation of TantrAloka (TA) of 
>>> Abhinavagupta published? Do you know of any translation that is planned 
>>> to be published?

>>see, _The Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta with commentary by Rajanaka
>>Jayaratha, ed. with notes by M. R. Shastri, 1918-1938. 12 vols. Allahabad:
>>Indian Press. Reprinted with introduction and notes by R. C. Dwivedi and
>>N. Rastogi, 1987. 8 vols. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Unless I am very much mistaken, the above-referenced volumes are 
the Sanskrit edition of the text, not a translation.  I am aware that
a translation of the first five ahnikas of the TA into French will soon be
published as prepared by Lilian Silburn and Andre Padoux. I know of no
translation of the text either partial or complete that has been published
in English (apart from short sections here and there).  There is, of course,
the translation into Italian prepared some years ago by Raniero Gnoli, Luce
Delle Sacre Scriture di Abhinavagupta (Unione Tipografico-Editrice
Torinese, 1972).
Hope this is helpful.
Paul Muller-Ortega 

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