black hair

Sat May 10 06:12:46 UTC 1997

Dominique.Thillaud wrote:
> Dear Indologists,
>         I'm back and I apologize again :-) for my 'mouvement d'humeur'.
>         After my leaving, I received many and various private mails and I
> thank all sincerely (including injurious ones).
>         I find perhaps in this mailing an answer to some communicati
>         About hair's colour, I was not asking *today*'s names for this
> meaning and I know the fair/black criterium (I was good friend one year
> long with a noble indonesian (kshatriya) and he hated the sun of the beach,
> too dangerous for his honourable pale skin). My problem was in *epic*,
> especially the MBh, some twenty centuries ago:
>         - in MBh II,60,24, draupadI is said atikRSNakezI, this 'ati'
> suppose that's not the same for all peoples.
>         - a friend said me (alas without references) duryodhana was red-haired.
>         - Pr. Jayabarathi gave here some examples of golden, red or yellow
> hairs in ancient indian corpus.
>  	Dear M.Thillaud,
			Thank you for coming back.
			BTW I am not a Professor. I am only a humble
	layman.I was a Hospital Director - a Medicine man.
			Any way, welcome back.
			Please scroll down....

       - in many other eurindian epics the hair's colour is highly
> significant (but not the colour of the skin). For example, in Greece,
> Menelaus is 'xanthos' (blond-haired) and one of the names of Akhilleus is
> '
>         - I woul'd be more than happy if yudhiSThira white-haired, bhIma,
> hanuman and duryodhana red, arjuna gold, nakula and sahadeva green, blue,
> brown or black.
>         I thank you in advance,
> Dominique
> P.-S. 2: Can someone give me the e-mail of an indian scholar in botanic,
> especially about pharmacological properties of plants ?
> P

	Please try these people;
	I don't know if they are still at the same address.
	I wouldn't know their email address.

	9,Club Road East,
	Shenoy Nagar.

	Author of 
	"Therinthum Theriyaatha Thavarangal"
	C/o Kalagnaan Pathippagam,
	31,Pandi Bazaar,

	I will try to get you more addresses.
	May be by to-morrow?	

	Sungai Petani

> Dominique THILLAUD
> Universite' de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France

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