Virtual TeX fonts for CSX

John Smith jds10 at
Fri Mar 7 10:05:57 UTC 1997

I have built (or rather I have written a program to build) virtual TeX
fonts implementing the CSX character set for various popular fonts, and
placed these on my FTP server They are in the
directory /pub/john/software/fonts/csx_fonts, and the following virtual
fonts are available: 

(1) Computer Modern (Roman, Italic, Slanted and Bold text fonts in the
    standard sizes);

(2) the four standard versions (Roman, Italic/Oblique, Bold, BoldItalic/
    BoldOblique) of each of the following PostScript fonts: Times,
    Helvetica, Courier, Palatino, New Century Schoolbook.

The program which creates the virtual fonts is also available under the
name csxvpl in the directory /pub/john/software/programs. However, if
anyone finds it difficult to use (for example, by reason of not having
Perl 5 on his/her system), I would probably be willing to meet any
reasonable request to create new virtual fonts. 

To use such a font it is necessary merely to copy the .tfm and the .vf
file to the directories where TeX and its friends expect to see such
things (this will vary from system to system). One can then say

 \font \myfont = cmr_csx10 % (or ptmr at 11 pt, or whatever)

and then type in CSX text.

To reach these fonts via the World Wide Web, connect to the URL quoted
below and follow the "fonts" link.

Dr J. D. Smith                *  jds10 at
Faculty of Oriental Studies   *  Tel. 01223 335140 (Switchboard 01223 335106)
Sidgwick Avenue               *  Fax  01223 335110
Cambridge CB3 9DA             *

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