Query on var.nabheda

Wolfgang Behr w.behr at em.uni-frankfurt.d400.de
Thu Mar 6 19:40:02 UTC 1997

Thanks indeed for all the valuable information on 
var.nabheda and related matters. (Looks like we
will have to discard professor Mair's theory.)
As some of you seem to be interested in the sinolo-
gical side of the problem, let me just briefly recommend
three recent papers on the topic, which include exten-
sive reviews of the earlier Chinese literature and various
interpretations of the term _fanqie_:

        | Wang Yiming (1990), "Fanqie shuo lue"
        | ["Brief remarks on _fanqie_"], Wenshi Zhishi
        | (6): 88-91

        | Zhu Jianing (1991), "Fojiao chuanru yu dengyuntu
        | de xingqi" ["The entrance of Buddhism (into China
        | and the emergence of rhyme-tables", in: Cai Ruilin,
        | Gong Pengcheng et al. eds., _Guoji foxue yanjiu nian-
        | kan_ [_Int'l. Yearbook of Buddhist Studies_]: 251-263,
        | Taibei

        | Hsu Wen (1995), "The first step toward phonological
        | analysis in Chinese: fanqie", Journal of Chinese
        | Linguistics 23 (1): 137-158

Best wishes, Wolfgang

Wolfgang Behr <w.behr at em.uni-frankfurt.d400.de>
Sinologie, J.W. Goethe-Universitaet, Dantestr.4-6,
P.O.B. 111 932, D-60054 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Tel.: (o) +49-69-798-22852, Fax: +49-69-798-22873

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