epics comparison

S Krishna mahadevasiva at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 5 23:47:30 UTC 1997

>From indology-request at liverpool.ac.uk Wed Jun  4 14:06:04 1997
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>From: "J. Randall Groves" <YD56 at MUSIC.FERRIS.EDU>
>To: Members of the list <indology at liverpool.ac.uk>
>Subject: epics comparison
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>Dear Indologists: I have been reading a translation of the Ramayana
>lately, and I am quite familiar with the Greek epics, THe Illiad and
>Odyssey. Has anyone done much in the way of a serious comparison of the
>two sets of epics? (Ramayana and Mahabarata vs. Illiad and Odyssey). I
>know Toynbee sees epics as the result of a certain stage in the
>distintegration of a civilization, but I am thinking more about a more
>specific comparison of the two sets of epics. I came across a reference
>to a bow that was difficult to bend in the Ramayana (Shiva's bow), and
>got to thinking of Odysseus' bow, and then to the comparison in
>general.Any thoughts or r eferences? Thanks in advance.  Randy Groves,
>Associate Prof. Of Humanities, Ferris State University

  In addition to the papers already mentioned, I think that it would be 
really worthwhile looking at the following book:
"Was the Ramayana copied from Homer?:A reply to Professor Weber"
by Kashinath T Telang. Publisher:Publishers Parlour
DElhi, 1976

This refutes Dr WEbers( a prof at the university of Berlin) claim
that the Valmiki plagiarised Homers writings. This is arguably the 
oldest comparitive book on this topic...(K.T.Telang passed away in

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