Free Font-Based Software Available

Dr. Jai Maharaj jai at
Sat Jul 12 21:18:13 UTC 1997

Free font-based software is available at the redifindia site.

The following excerpts are from

Write English, read Gujarati

by Salil Murthy in Mumbai
Harsh Kumar, chief manager, information technology, Konkan
Railways, has developed software that can receive vernacular words
typed in English and convert them to the appropriate language in the
appropriate script. And he's giving it away, free. 

Says Kumar "If you've ever tried to use a Hindi keyboard you would
know just how difficult it is. Even existing software like the one
developed by C-DAC requires you to put a sticker on your keyboard, so
in effect you are using two different keyboards. 'Shusha' eliminates all

"I have redefined the keyboard. Shusha is a font-based software and
converts whatever you type into the script of the language of your
choice," continues Kumar. 

"So far I have covered the scripts of Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati (all
Devanagari script) and Punjabi (Gurumukhi script). I am currently
working on Bengali, which should be out in about 15 days, and then I
begin work on Oriya. The South Indian language scripts are a little more
complicated but I will be getting to them soon." 

The 41-year-old IT professional, with a masters degree from the
University of Humberside, UK, is, however, determined not to go
commercial. "I do not want to make this a commercial venture. Once it
is, the price does not stop going up. Piracy, greed
 I don't want to
contend with these ills." 
The software can be used on any Windows platform and comes
complete with 'read_me' files and key maps. The programme can also
be used to create and host Web pages in Indian languages. "For an
average first-time user it should take 10 minutes to get a hang of the
keys. After that he can takeoff," claims Kumar. 
End of Excerpts

Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

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