Sorting Brahmi

John Smith jds10 at
Thu Jul 10 13:14:47 UTC 1997

Dominik commented that the best way to sort Brahmi text might be to use
Perl, which (he said) allows you to specify a sort order. Unfortunately
that's not true, even in Perl 5; the language allows you to specify a sort
*routine* of your own devising, but that's not really much help for this
requirement. It could certainly be done in Perl, but, unusually, there
would be no great advantage to using Perl as against any other language. 

John Smith

Dr J. D. Smith                *  jds10 at
Faculty of Oriental Studies   *  Tel. 01223 335140 (Switchboard 01223 335106)
Sidgwick Avenue               *  Fax  01223 335110
Cambridge CB3 9DA             *

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