Announcing new book / self-promotion

Lars Martin Fosse l.m.fosse at
Tue Jul 8 16:26:51 UTC 1997

I would like to announce to the members of Indology that my dissertation now
is available from Universitetsforlaget, the University Publishing House.
Data below:

Lars Martin Fosse: The Crux of Chronology in Sanskrit Literature. Statistics
and Indology. A Study of Method. Acta Humaniora 21, Scandinavian University
Press / Universitetsforlaget. Oslo, 1997.

The book can be ordered from: NORbillett, P.O.Box 600, 2601 Lillehammer,
Norway. Tel. +47 61 28 79 00. Fax: +47 61 28 79 80.

"The book discusses the use of statistical methods in Indological studies,
particularly in relation to the problem of the relative chronology of
Sanskrit works. Starting with a historical overview, it gives a critique of
the statistical work that has been done in the field so far, and then
proceeds to discuss the concept of style and the traditional problems
related to linguistic history and the manuscript tradition, both of which
must be faced by the Sanskrit scholar. The study then discusses the problem
of textual homogeneity based on the analysis of a large number of
grammatical and stylistic features, and discusses the historical development
of Sanskrit as it can be described within the framework of a statistical
method. While the results reveal problems in finding a combination of
statistical criteria and advanced statistical techniques which would allow
the scholar to draw valid conclusions as to the relative age of texts, they
also indicate that other combinations of criteria and other statistical
techniques may give better results."

Best regards,

Lars Martin Fosse Lars Martin Fosse
Haugerudvn. 76, Leil. 114,
0674 Oslo

Tel: +47 22 32 12 19
Fax: +47 22 32 12 19
Email: L.M.Fosse at
Mobile phone: 90 91 91 45

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