Mechandising electronic texts

Fco. Javier Mart177nez Garc177a martinez at
Thu Feb 27 13:06:26 UTC 1997

Dear Members,
Prof. Gippert has asked me to post following message to the list:

Dear colleagues,

today I received an offer from a company in Munich ( H. Boessow PARK
GmbH, Widmannstr. 11a, 81829 Muenchen) which sells the following
electronic Sanskrit and Pali texts on disks at prices between 20,- and
150,- DM:

Rgveda, Sathapathabrahmana, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Pali-Kanon,
Arthasastra, Manusmrti, Brhatsamhita, Buddhacarita. Kalidasa4s Meghaduta
is offered as a free extra. 

It can hardly be accidental that all these texts have been made
accessible via the net for some time. I wonder whether any one of us who
endeavoured a lot preparing such texts to make them publicly available
should agree in this kind of third party merchandising. I should be glad
to receive comments from everybody interested in order to decide what we
should do about that.

Jost Gippert
gippert at

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