
Richard Salomon rsalomon at u.washington.edu
Wed Feb 26 16:54:08 UTC 1997


The Hidda (=Ha.d.da) jar inscription of year 28, 10th day of Apelae = 
Apelliaos is no. LXXXII, pp. 157-8 + pl.XXX.2 in Konow, CII II.2.  But see
also Konow's revised reading of this ins. in "Hidda Inscription of the
Year 28" in EI 23 (1935-36), pp.35-42. (e.g. he now reads ramara.m~nami
of raja-; but the reading of the date (which, I take it, is what mainly 
concerns you)
is the same except for minor orthographic adjustments (masya > mase;
sastehi > sasthehi). 


On Wed, 26 Feb 1997, Klaus Karttunen wrote:

> Our University library cannot locate its copy of Konow's KharoSThI 
> Inscriptions (Corpus Inscr. Indicarum). Could anybody check, whether it 
> contains the so-called Hidda Earthen Jar Inscription of the year 28 
> (mentioning the Macedonian month name Apellaios). If it is there, I just 
> need the number given to it by Konow to make my reference complete.
> Thanks
> Klaus

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