cosi fan tutte (II)

thillaud at thillaud at
Sat Feb 22 10:18:27 UTC 1997

Dear Indologists,
        I'm happy you take my 'male chauvinist' joke so serious.

to Lars Martin Fosse:
        Don't be afraid for me, I have already paid for this knowledge, and
many times ...

zu Martin Bemmann:
        Ein schoenes Stabreim, es aber ist mir lieber Frau als Tod.

a Enrica Garzilli:
        Non puo essere assolumente d'accordo con lei. Non e la stessa cosa
di conoscere la legge e di seguirla: I uomini hanno scritto il stridharma,
ma, lo sappiamo tuttti, le donne hanno scritto il strisvabhava. Tutta la
litteratura mondiale e testimonio di questo. La fedelta e un ideale, la
realita altra cosa.
        Ho scritto il titolo 'Cosi fan tutte' per monstrare l'universalita;
non ho citato 'la donna e mobile' perche non so qui e il librettisto di

a Jean Fezas:
        Je crois personnellement que 'par leur propre nature' hommes et
femmes sont aussi frivoles l'un que l'autre, mais qu'on ne fustige que ceux
a qui la societe n'en donne pas le droit. Il n'y a pas besoin d'aller en
Afrique, les Etats-Unis ou le matriarcat est en cours d'installation
temoigne, dans son cinema par exemple, de la vision d'un homme futile et
resistant mal a ses desirs en meme temps que se developpe l'image d'une
femme forte et responsable.

to Gene Thursby:
        I have some reticences with the psychoanalysis of whole societies,
it's too easy and a bit reductionnistic. The image of the 'Great Universal
Mother' is just common and explains nothing. Anthropology and ethnology are
better places from where to talk.
        I agree with 'unfortunate' but, unfortunately, don't with 'quirk' :-(

        I'll explain later why I use (poorly) many languages. That's not
without rapport with the 'German-Indology-Problem', lexicological reform of
the Tamil (and German, and failed greek Katharevousa) and other problems
about the conflict between nationalism and word-communication. But I need
time to clarify my mind.

Dominique Thillaud - Universite de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
email : thillaud at

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