Bhavanakrama of Kamalasila

tat at tat at
Fri Feb 21 22:57:26 UTC 1997

Dear Francois,

as far as I know, there exists a full translation of the Bhavanakrama in Russian. 

Yours Tattvarthi, tat at

>Dear member of the list,
>There exist french and/or english translations of the first and third
>Bhavanakrama of Kamalasila.
>Does anyone knows if there exists a translation of the second Bhavanakrama
>in english or other western languages?
>Thank you for your help,
>Francois Obrist
>Section de langues et civilisations orientales
>Bibliotheque cantonale et universitaire de Lausanne
>CH-1015 Lausanne
>e-mail: Francois.Obrist at

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