[sgambhir at sas.upenn.edu (Dr. Surendra Gambhir): Language Workshop for Community Leaders]
David Magier
magier at columbia.edu
Fri Feb 14 16:41:11 UTC 1997
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Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 11:06:40 +0530
To: magier at columbia.edu
From: sgambhir at sas.upenn.edu (Dr. Surendra Gambhir)
Subject: Language Workshop for Community Leaders
South Asian Language Teachers Association
Phone: (215) 898-7475
Fax: (215) 573-2138
email: sgambhir at sas.upenn.edu
Mailing Address:
Dr. Surendra Gambhir
820 Williams Hall
February 14, 1997
Philadelphia, Pa. 19104-6305
Invitation to
Workshop on Language Teaching & Learning
for community leaders
Dear Community Leaders:
SALTA invites you and your fellow community leaders to a workshop on the
teaching and learning of heritage languages in a community setting. For all
those who are engaged in organizing or teaching heritage languages to the
next generation, SALTA has taken the initiative in coordinating a special
session for sharing professional expertise and discuss the ways and means
to alleviate some of the problems faced.
The workshop is geared to provide insights how language works, successful
stratagies for learning a language and for language instruction. We will
also distribute information about the availability of language materials
and the use of Internet for language learning and language teaching. This
workshop is an effort in initiating a new process of equipping our
community leaders with effective tools of education so that the benefit
from our endeavors is maximized.
The workshop is open to every one interested in learning and teaching of an
Indian/South Asian language whether in a community school or in one's own
The workshop is free. Those who are interested in attending the workshop
are required to complete the enclosed form and send it by March 3. The
seats are limited and hence early application is advised.
Place of Workshop: Mississippi Room in Hotel Sheraton Chicago, 301
East North Water Street, Chicago, IL 60611. Ph.
Day & Time: Saturday, March 15, 1997. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Note: You may copy this letter and the form for distributing to others. The
workshop is free but registeration is required.
SALTA is a professional organization of language educators at the
university and college level.
South Asian Language Teachers Association
Workshop on Language Teaching & Learning
(March 15, 1997 in Chicago)
1. Name
3. Phone ....................................Email Address
4. Which hertitage language are you trying to serve
5. What are some of the issues in your mind about the teaching and
learning of heritage
6. What are your expectations from the workshop?
7. According to you, what is the level of interest in most prople in
your community in
imparting their heritage language to their children? Circle one:
strong modest
very little none
Registeration is free. Seats are limited. For securing your seat,
mail or fax (1-215- 573-2138) this form asap to:
University of Pennsylvania
820 Williams Hall
Philadlephia, Pa. 19104-6305
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