Kill before being killed

Katherine Eirene Ulrich keulrich at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Wed Dec 10 05:25:43 UTC 1997

As far as I know, the only European-language version is an English summary
(not translation) by A. Chakravarti (1936). -- Katherine Ulrich

>I cannot provide any information about the origin of the 'wise saying'
>taR kolliyai muR kolliya, 'kill before the killing of oneself',
>but, not reading Tamil, would be grateful to learn if the Tamil Jain text
>NIlakEci is available in an English, French or German translation.
>Thanks in advance,
>Dr. Joel Tatelman,
>Visiting Lecturer in Sanskrit,
>Department of South Asian Studies,
>University of Wisconsin-Madison,
>1250 Van Hise Hall,
>1220 Linden Drive,
>Madison, WI 53706
>Tel.: (608) 276-0447 or 262-2749.
>Fax:  (608) 265-3538

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