Old Indologists reply to Preciado-Solis

KJKARTTU KJKARTTU at Elo.Helsinki.fi
Mon Sep 30 14:40:29 UTC 1996

>Date:          Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:11:02 BST
>Reply-to:      indology at liverpool.ac.uk
>From:          David Magier <magier at columbia.edu>
>To:            Members of the list <indology at liverpool.ac.uk>
>Subject:       Re: Old Indologists reply to Preciado-Solis
>Prof. Karttunen:
>When will WHO WAS WHO IN WESTERN INDOLOGY be published? I hope soon, as
>this seems an invaluable reference work.
>David Magier, Phd
>South Asia Librarian
>Columbia University
>Dr. Magier, and others interested:
I am afraid that the final publication of my collection will take some 
times, still. I have worked on this as a kind of hobby and my main work 
lies in other questions (mainly on Graeco-Indian relations). You must 
wait some years for it, unfortunately. In the meantime, I am ready to 
forward some information from it, like in the case of Preciado-Solis' 
question, supposing that such requests do not become very frequent and 
that they are only concerned with one or a few scholars. When the 
collection is finished (I have just reached Macdonell in computerizing 
my hand-written files), it will contain perhaps 900 pages. You see, not 
only Indologists, but a lot of archaeologists, art historians, colonial 
officers and missionaries working on Indian linguistics etc. have been 

Klaus Karttunen, Ph.D.
Department of Asian and African Studies
University of Helsinki

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