language for communication

thillaud at thillaud at
Fri Sep 13 22:05:00 UTC 1996

Lars Martin Fosse a ecrit le 13 Sep 1996 a 19:31:22 BST:

>If I remember correctly, one of the reasons why *Dumezil*'s work
>had trouble reaching the USA was that he *wrote in French*, which a large
>number of American scholars do read with ease. *That is a pity*, because
>Dumezil was extremely important (no matter what you think of his ideas).
*c'est moi qui souligne*
        A part de rappeler que le College de France n'est pas encore une
institution americaine, l'etiquette du reseau m'interdit de reagir comme je
le devrais aux implications de ce discours; j'espere simplement que le
clavier de l'auteur a ete plus vite que sa pensee!

FOR NON FRENCH READERS: a translation in English, German, Italian or
Sanskrit (all bad but, I hope, understandable) is available by personnal

Dominique Thillaud - Universite de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
email : thillaud at

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