typing Sanskrit an other Indian languages

tantrapl at hektor.umcs.lublin.pl tantrapl at hektor.umcs.lublin.pl
Sun Sep 8 10:12:08 UTC 1996

In answer to Anshuman Pandeys questions:
> > II) What features should such a system of transcription possess?
> > I think it should:
> >
> > 2) It should not go against internationally accepted conventions of using
> > Roman script (like usage of capital letters). Let us not get mistaken by
> > names like INTRANS which are rather expression of aspiration (and tool of
> > promotion) than real respect for international conventions.
> What is meant by the second part about not "gettiog mistaken by names like
> INTRANS..."? Secondly, what is INTRANS? And why is it an expression of
> aspiration rather than an expression of respect for international
> conventions? And thirdly, what does respect for international conventions
> have to do with this matter? (Do international conventions actually
> exist?)
 Maybe, I used words which sound to sharp. Sorry, if I
offended anybody. The name INTRANS suggests to me International
Transcription and I think many net surfers while getting to a site
presenting this scheme of transcription of Sanskrit into Roman script will
get an impression the scheme is internationally accepted one. 
While I think it is all right to have international or universal aspirations
I would rather avoid the names suggesting international acceptance of a
project. The international convention I meant was the international scientific system 
 transcription of Sanskrit (with diacritical marks above or below letters
which I was trying to render with upper or lower strokes (respectively)
after a respective letter. "Respect" can be undestood in pragmatic terms.
The international scientific transcription is going to stay with us for some
time. This is why I think some similarity of a transcription scheme meant
for typing Sanskrit (and other Indian languages) to the scientific
transcription makes the whole set of procedures more coherent.

 Thank you,
		Leslaw Borowski 

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