fonts for PC at at
Sat Sep 7 08:55:15 UTC 1996

>Can anyone offer advice on Indic fonts (Devanagari primarily, but also 
>Bangla) for PCs?  I have Fran Pritchett's comprehensive list but would 
>like to hear from someone who's actually used one or more of them and can 
>tell me how they are.
>Thanks -
>Rebecca Manring

I have used Ken Bryant's Jaipur (see Pritchett's list for details) for
years and like it quite well, but there are a few compatibility problems
with the latest Macs. I believe they have been addressed in the upgrade,
which I haven't been able to get yet.

Ruth Schmidt
Dept of East European and Oriental Studies 
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1030 Blindern
N-0315 Oslo, Norway
Phone: (47) 22 85 55 86
Fax: (47) 22 85 41 40
Email: at 

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