Drum Syllables

nas_ng at lms420.jsc.nasa.gov nas_ng at lms420.jsc.nasa.gov
Tue Nov 19 15:32:30 UTC 1996

        Drum Syllables

The 15th century tamil poet, Arunagirinathar in his Tiruppugazh
(praise songs of Murugan) has few lines of drum syllables in 
hundreds of songs. Tiruppugazh is a major taaLa pramaaNa treatise
available in any Indian language.


Listening to recent debates in this forum, I understand how 
raashtrabaasha/imperialism gets propagated in western academia too.
I agree with R. Zydenbos that many linguistic traditions, of
great indological import, are currently left out and needs attention/
serious study. 

Many non-hindi Indians have told me this:
At dinner tables, they are supposed to answer this arrogant question:
"You don't know hindi?! Are you Indian?"

N. Ganesan

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