Req: "dirty" words in Sanskrit
Ulrike Niklas
u.niklas at Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon Nov 4 14:28:23 UTC 1996
A few remarks:
1.) With ref. to the message of D. Wujastyk:
A very clear statement is found in daNDin kaavyAAdarza 1, 65:
zabde pi graamyataastyeva saa sabhyetarakiirtanaat,
yathaa yakaaraadi padaM ratyutsava niruupaNe.
And daNDIn adds (kaavyaad. I, 66-67) that also constructions which
actually don t contain indecent expressions are "graamya" if they could
be misinterpreted, as e.g. "yaa bhavataH priyaa" (which could be taken as
2.) For a definition of what is "dirty", or rather what is *considered*
"dirty" (and here also the question is: whether already by the
speaker/writer? or only by the listener/reader?) it is interesting to
note daNDIn s terminology: graamya, graamyataa, sabhyetara - which points
clearly to a deviation from high-style language (courtly language - in
the literary sense of: language used at the king s court, "hoefisch" in
german - and maybe also ritual language) and points to the vernacular.
In some parts of vedic prose (UpaniSad-, BraahmaNa-literature) some
dialogues which seem to be very near to vernacular language can be found
(I don t have the references here, but I could dig them out in a few days
3.)Concerning the question of whether a statement/an expression itself is
dirty or only a possible interpretation of that statement , and with
reference to the message of G.J.Hausmann:
In modern Tamil, as G.J.Hausmann also stated, many words and expressions
which in standard language / high-style language carry an entirely
neutral meaning, may have a "dirty" connotation if used on a more
vernacular level, e.g. "mayir" lit. "hair" (vernac. "pubic hair");
"cinna viiTu" lit. "a small house" (vernac. denoting a "kept woman"),
and many more so.
Indian literature abounds in "zleSa", up to modern times: many modern
film-songs in tamil (and surely in other Indian languages, too) are full
of double-meanings which always point into a clear direction ...
4.)To come back to daNDin: why do we discuss only "dirty" words in that
specific sense?
daNDin (kaavyaadarza I, 95 ff.) defines also words like "spitting" etc.
as "graamya", if used in a direct sense (e.g.: niHSThIvati vadhuuH "the
woman spits..."), while they might be considered beautiful if used in an
indirect, rhetorical, sense (cf. kaavyaadarsha I, 96).
-- it s already much too long, so I stop here. Greetings, Ulrike.
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