H-ASIA: Electronic format for non-roman script languages (fwd)

Mittal Sushil mittals at ERE.UMontreal.CA
Wed May 29 18:38:33 UTC 1996

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 10:53:55 -0700
From: Frank Conlon <conlon at u.washington.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of list H-ASIA <H-ASIA at msu.edu>
Subject: H-ASIA: Electronic format for non-roman script languages

                             May 29, 1996

Library of Congress seeks to open dialogue on electronic format for
languages employing non-roman script/characters

The Library of Congress is interested in engaging in a dialogue with
members of this list (or others you can recommend) who are knowledgeable
about electronic formats for non-roman alphabet vernacular language
materials (Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, Hebrew, Yiddish,
the languages of India, and others.)

Please reply directly to:

        Robert Worden
        Federal Research Division
        Library of Congress
        (worden at mail.loc.gov)
Ed. note: Please do circulate this note to colleagues not on H-ASIA, BUT
please also reply directly to Robert Worden, NOT to H-ASIA.    F.F.C.

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