
Jean-Luc Chevillard jlc at
Wed May 1 10:57:32 UTC 1996

This is not a direct answer to your message
and I am no authority for giving any personnal answer
but I feel one (posthumous) book from prof. Jean Filiozat
and prof. Jacques Andre' has to be mentionned
in this thread:

_L'Inde vue de Rome_, _Textes latins de l'Antiquite'
relatifs a` l'Inde_, Paris, Socie'te' d'E'dition
"Les Belles Lettres", 1986.

At 02:20 01/05/1996 BST, you wrote:
>Things being rather quiet on this list, I have been roaming, and have come
>across another group discussing Lefkowitz's new book "Not Out of Africa",
>which attacks, from a classicist's point of view, Afrocentric claims about
>the sources of Greek culture. Very wild and very reckless discussions go on
>there, mostly not very interesting or informative.  But it occurred to me
>that there is a new angle that may be of interest not only to classicists
>and africanists, but to indologists as well.  Unfortunately, I don't
>remember specific references, but I recall that Filliozat a long time ago
>made suggestions re the influence of Hindu [upaniSadic] sources on the
>likes of Plato, et al.  Does anyone on this list have references to
>Filliozat's claims?  And, just as important, does anyone know how
>classicists have responded to such claims, if at all?
>George Thompson

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