Why not a definitive devnagri font

aditya at icanect.net aditya at icanect.net
Fri Mar 15 19:54:24 UTC 1996

As you know M$ has standard fonts in several scripts including Arabic,
Japanese and Korean.
It is a shame that we do not have any standard fonts to exchange
I have come across a new product called Beyondmail that would allow
email using any font. I personally prefer the keyboard assignments by
Inpros although I also have Velthuis fonts on disk.
Since this list is frequented by the academic community interested in
the use of Devnagri fonts, I would request that we should set up a
consensus on the Devnagri font assignments so that we can exchange
information in  Devnagri script.
Have a nice day. 
Aditya Mishra  
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