event announcement

David Magier magier at columbia.edu
Mon Mar 11 19:12:24 UTC 1996

The following event announcement is being forwarded to your mailing
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Gopher. Please contact event organizers directly for any further

David Magier (South Asia Gopher)

             A Meeting of Concerned Scholars

Sponsored by the Southern California Consortium on International Studies, 
the USD Internationalization of the Curriculum Committee, the Department 
of Theological & Religious Studies, and the Graduate Program in Pastoral 

         Saturday, March 30, 1996, 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
      University of San Diego, University Center, Forum B
                 Open to the Public, No Charge


Lance Nelson, University of San Diego, presiding

*  Christopher Chapple, Loyola Marymount University

   "Traditionalist and Renouncer Models: Toward an Indigenous
          Indian Environmentalism"

   Respondent: Lance Nelson, University of San Diego

*  Arvind Sharma, McGill University

   "Attitudes to Nature in the Early Upanishads" 
   Respondent: J.  G.  Arapura, McMaster University

*  Robert L.  Brown, UCLA

   "Attitudes to Nature in Hindu and Buddhist Art"
   Respondent: P. S. Jaini, UC Berkeley


*  Vijaya Nagarajan, UC Berkeley

   "Women and the Social Construction of Bhu-devi,
        the Earth Goddess, in Tamil Nadu"

   Respondent: Kathleen Dugan, University of San Diego

*  J.  G.  Arapura, McMaster University

   "Nonviolence, Nondualism, and Ecological Ethics in South Asia"

   Respondents: Arvind Sharma, McGill University;
                P. S. Jaini, UC Berkeley

*  Lance Nelson, University of San Diego

   "A Few Doubts: How 'Ecological' is Religion in South Asia?"

   Open Discussion, All Panelists

*The University Center Deli will be open for soup, salad, and sandwiches, 
11 a.m.- 3 p.m.  Colleagues who would like to join the panelists for 
lunch, please contact Lance Nelson, lnelson at pwa.acusd.edu.

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