Mahabharata reference

mrabe at mrabe at
Fri Mar 1 01:57:00 UTC 1996

M.Rajagopalan claims: "The following verse is carved in Khajuraho:
VinayA shobhate vidyA
kulam shIlena shobhate
nItyaiva shobhate rAjyaM
pAnirdAnena shobhate."

Mr. Rajagopolan, are you able to cite a published reference to this
inscription? Please do share it if you can, in exchange for which I'll be
happy to supply you with a digitized image of bestiality from the
Khandariya Mahadeo.  Or possibly Dominik would be willing to post it on his
web page, with appropriate disclaimers, of course.


Michael Rabe

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