Sanskrit characters for Wikner font

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at
Sat Jun 1 11:21:28 UTC 1996

On Fri, 31 May 1996, Peter Wyzlic wrote:

> Perhaps you should say better "halanta"-sign; this use of "viraama" is -- at
> least -- un-Paa.ninian, although found in many primers.

Well, it's unlikely that Panini had any sign for halanta either, since he
probably didn't use writing for Sanskrit.

> My impression is that the history of Devanagari typography and printing (in
> India and the rest of the world) is still to be written. I have not found
> any comprehensive (and reliable) monograph. Or am I wrong?

There is a three-volume history of Devanagari printing by an author called
Naik, published some years back by the Govt. of Maharashtra, in Bombay I
think.  I don't have a copy, but I've seen the books and they are very
useful, with lots of reproductions of early printing, title-pages, etc.

Dominik Wujastyk
Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine
183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, England.
FAX +44-171-611-8545
email: d.wujastyk at

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