Population Estimates in Ancient India

mhcrxlc at dir.mcc.ac.uk mhcrxlc at dir.mcc.ac.uk
Mon Jul 22 06:43:39 UTC 1996

Greg Bailey writes:

>I am presently doing some work on the economic and social history of
>ancient India primarily utilising Pali sources.  As part of this work I
>have been trying to get some idea of population estimates in North India at
>various times during the first millenium BCE.  Without such estimates the
>value of many of the statistics collected on the social backgrounds of
>converst to Buddhism is substantially reduced.  I would be very
>appreciative for any references pertaining to this subject.


the value of the statistics collected on the social backgrounds of converts
to Buddhism (if there was such a thing) is substantially nil.

Lance Cousins

Email: mhcrxlc at dir.mcc.ac.uk

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