
Wed Feb 28 18:27:59 UTC 1996

Dear Amita Sarin:  
The question as to what Khajuraho stands for is very  
welcome.  It is especially so when there are many wrong  
articles published about Khajuraho in books,magazines and on  
the internet, describing Khajuraho as erotic or sexual in  
nature and that is what it stands for.  
If you are a Hindu, you would easily see that  Hindu culture  
did not encourage bestility and sexual displays in public.   
Generally Hindus are not seen exhibiting vulgar sex  
movements in public.   Then
, how can a temple , which is the  
center which emanates Hindu teachings stand for being  
erotic?  It does not make sense.  People who say that  
Khajuraho is erotic and bestile should give more thought to  
your well founded question  
Khajuraho is a representation of the noblest and highest  
levels of principles of man. How do we know this?This we  
know by  
(1) reading what is inscribed on the walls of Khajuraho..  
(2) asking the priests and other learned persons  who were  
involved with 
Khajuraho in the past or, their   
descendents about what was handed down to them by their  
ancestors at Khajuraho.  
I (Rajagopalan) have talked with people living there.  There  
is no indication of group sex or bestility in that society.  
The following verse is carved in Khajuraho:  
VinayA shobhate vidyA  
kulam shIlena shobhate  
nItyaiva shobhate rAjyaM  
pAnirdAnena shobhate.  
This means "The sign of a well educated person is humility.  
The sign of a good community is the character
 of its members  
(which implies that the members be not sexy or promiscuous).  
A good government is that that gives justice to its people.  
The hand shines when it is charitable and helps others.That  
is the true significance of Khajuraho.   
Sincerely yours- M. Rajagopalan  
(rajagopalanm at )  
and B. N. Narahari Achar(acharb at

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