FW: Urdu WP

r.l.schmidt at easteur-orient.uio.no r.l.schmidt at easteur-orient.uio.no
Wed Feb 21 12:15:55 UTC 1996

Dear Indology members,

I forward the following information about Urdu word processors, from Adil
Khan <Adil.Khan at mcl.co.uk>.

Ruth Schmidt


>ETC computers are currently working on a professional Nastaliq/Roman DTP
>package for Windows 95/Windows 3.1.
>The programmers are having difficulty though with some aspects of the MS code
>which has therefore delayed the launch date of the product.  Optimistic
>estimates are for mid-summer this year but by the end of 1996 it will almost
>certainly be released.
>relevant e-mail address:  ashiq at eldjinn.demon.co.uk

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