Holi Discussion Appreciation

Fri Feb 9 23:24:32 UTC 1996

dear bridgman at aol.com,
WE are all friends. WE all want to learn rogether . WE are all capabale and are basically good at heart . Let there be no enmity among us .Would you kindly give a few days to tell about holy . I would ask an expert who " experienced Holi"
in the proper light and ask that person to reply your question .
	In all these religious matters experience is an important factor .
deprived of that experience factor trying to enjoy a discussion on
religious topic is like trying to enjoy the crushed sugar cane straw
devoid of its sweet juice .
	But I do appreciate the understanding we all get that to promote a correc
ect understanding of a religion or society we should avoid using unsavoury
and demeaning  descriptive words about that society no matter how long that
word has been wrongly used to describe the society . only those words that describe the
society correctly should be used . Thanks for all of you for your kind
 understanding .   M.rajagopalan

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